Supporting our Local Communities
Every day, when listeners tune in to our stations, we entertain, we keep our listeners informed, we provoke thought, and provide a platform for our fans. We have also taken our community involvement a step further. Beyond raising funds, Market Radio Group has taken community membership seriously by encouraging employees to be personally involved with organizations that can use an extra hand. Three times each year, for half a day, our involvement takes us out of our offices and studios to work right beside local partners under the “Market Cares” program.
Since its inception in late 2013, Market Radio Group has sponsored more than 10,000 company-paid volunteer hours with a variety of organizations that focus on life-threatening illness, hunger, veteran’s services, children’s health and welfare, the homeless, senior citizens, healthcare, housing, environmental causes, and animal welfare. Our goal is to foster team spirit among our employees while supporting and working arm in arm with our local communities because Market Radio Group Cares.

Feeding America
Feeding America is a nationwide network of 200 member food banks that leads the fight against hunger in the U.S. In 2019, we provided food to more than 40+ million people, including 10 million children and 7 million seniors. During COVID-19 pandemic, we estimate that number is 50+ million people. We work through 60,000 food pantries and meal programs and engage more than 2 million volunteers monthly in communities across the U.S. Feeding America also supports programs that improve food security among the people we serve; educates the public about the issue of hunger; and advocates for legislation that protects people so they do not have to struggle with hunger.

Habitat for Humanity
A decent home provides the strength, stability, and independence that families need, and Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Habitat homeowners pay an affordable mortgage, receive financial education, and help build their homes alongside volunteers.
Your financial support will help families continue building with Habitat in your community and around the world.

Feed the Children
In the U.S. and around the world, Feed the Children distributed approximately 87.8 million pounds of food and essential household items valued at more than $361 million in fiscal year 2020. Through our partnerships and programs, our outreach to children and their families benefited approximately 5.6 million people in the U.S. and more than 1.7 million internationally for a total of 7.3 million people globally.
In the United States we distribute product donations of food and other essential items from corporate donors through our network of local community partners, we provide classroom support and school supplies to students in vulnerable areas and we mobilize resources quickly to aid recovery efforts when natural disasters strike.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
The United States Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to lead a nationwide effort to honor and remember America’s fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the tax-exempt, nonprofit Foundation has developed and expanded programs to honor our fallen fire heroes and assist their families and coworkers.
Each October, the Foundation sponsors the official national tribute to all firefighters who died in the line of duty during the previous year. Thousands attend the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend activities held at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The Weekend features special programs for families and coworkers along with moving public ceremonies.